Różne rzeczy (Various things) – podcast of Łódź Design Festival
„Instead of preparing roads for autonomous cars, let’s prepare them for autonomous children’ – was my keynote during the conversation with the editor-in-chief of MAGAZIF.com.
„Instead of preparing roads for autonomous cars, let’s prepare them for autonomous children’ – was my keynote during the conversation with the editor-in-chief of MAGAZIF.com.
(in Polish):SpotifyApple PodcastGoogle PodcastYouTube
Let’s talk about children. Let’s talk with children. Today I have launched an instagram account for cityforchildren. Check it!
Why children should have influence on designing real estate and cities? In „Galaktyka Nieruchomości” I talked to Agnieszka Sławomirska if and how children’s voice can change commercial real estate sector. Conversation (in Polish) is available here.
I have talked to Urbcast. I told about the book I’m writing with and for children, what children need in a city and why it is so important that urban space is child-friendly and meets those needs. The episode (in Polish) is here.
On International Children’s Day I talked on the radio to the journalist Piotr Wróblewski about children in urban space. (in Polish)