PLGBC Green Building Summit 2024
Join me at PLGBC Green Building Summit 2024, when I will participate in a pannel discussion „Innovative urban design and placemaking”.
Join me at PLGBC Green Building Summit 2024, when I will participate in a pannel discussion „Innovative urban design and placemaking”.
„Instead of preparing roads for autonomous cars, let’s prepare them for autonomous children’ – was my keynote during the conversation with the editor-in-chief of
During the conference „Dzieci i seniorzy w transporcie publicznym” (Children and seniors in ppublic transport) organised by Centre for European Union Transport Projects, I will have a keynote and host a pannel discussion “How to ensure the comfort of travel for children in public transport and in the space around?” was a partner of the conference.
This time I went as a participant. The conference organisers – the city of Bratislava and Metropolitan Institute invited me as an ambassador.
Do we know how a city looks through a child’s eyes? How does it smell, sound? What should be changed, so it is friendly and inviting, and so children feel save in there? Join the City of children workshop during Łódź Design Festival!
I will talk of my project during 14th Biennale of European Towns and Town Planners organised by ECTP-CEU (European Council of Spatial Planners-Conseil Européen des Urbanistes) and Italian Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica (INU). has been selected among other European innovators to exhibit during New European Bauhaus Festival in Brussels.
On 6-7 March I will participate in CoMobility’s final conference. On the 2nd day I will participate in a pannel discussion „Strategic participatory urban management… How to co-create urban space in a sustainable way, with the care for the needs of all social groups?”.
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In my work with children I have adopted a role of anti-educator.
Calling myself another name would be unfair, as during my meetings with children it is me who learns. Only listening to children, giving attention to their needs and what they have to say, I can show them the importance of being sensitive to the needs of others, also in urban space.