EU for Smart Mobility
Forum CUPT “EU for Smart Mobility” – the first for a very long time live event. I took part in the panel session “‘Accessibility as the safety of all travelers”, where I represented the point of view of children.
Forum CUPT “EU for Smart Mobility” – the first for a very long time live event. I took part in the panel session “‘Accessibility as the safety of all travelers”, where I represented the point of view of children.
Finally! The event which has been moved a couple of times because of pandemic – “EU for smart mobility” will take place live ? During the event I will talk in a panel session ” Accessibility as the safety of all travelers”. I will talk of what children expect from a public transport and why it should fulfill also their needs.
During “Accessible public transport” organised by Centre for EU Transport Projects (CEUPT) I talked of how children perceive safety in urban space and in public transport.
On 24 June I will talk of safety of children in public transport during 16. meeting within the framework of “of accessibility with CUPT – transport standard in practice” organised by The Centre for EU Transport Projects (CEUTP). Zapraszam!