
During one of the conferences, while discussing what a perfect place for children looks like, I realised it is like a permanent campsite, where kids can play free, have other children as company, and in the same time have adults within their reach to support them if they are hungry, in trouble or in need of a toilet. Being 6 years old I experienced that kind of perfectness during my holidays to Libya.

And where are you going to have a playground? Everywhere!

I like charrette workshop a lot. It is one of the most sustainable consultation methods, allowing to hear needs of many stakeholders. I also like a lot Mycielski Architecture and Urbanism (MAU) design studio, which is a pioneer of that method in Poland. In addition I miss Teatralny square in Warsaw (presently a big car park, where Polish National Opera is) from 2016. Then, on the occassion of Music Days cars dissapeared for a couple of days, and the space was filled up with greenery and people (photo above). So, when the three elements met and I read that MAU would be organising charrette workshop on the square on the city’s commision, I knew I would take part in it.

Memory in a city

After May in Le Plessis-Robinson, where I was surrounded by a new ‘old town’, in June I went for CHANGING CITIES V conference. It took place in Corfu town, which made me reflect further on a topic of place, continuity and power, as well as different aspects of memory in urban environment. Memory of the place was also a big topic of the conference itself, with a day session devoted to it.